"I love watching God use Fallbrook!"

- Carol Jones

"This initiative reminds me that my contribution, big or small, truly makes a difference. "

- John Evans

"Being part of OneMovement is more than giving; it's about changing lives." 

- Greg Smith

"OneMovement has inspired me to give more purposefully and with joy." 

-John Parks

"OneMovement has transformed giving of my
time, talent and resources from obligation to opportunity!" 

-Phoebe Charles

Join The OneMovement

We stand at a critical turning point in our history. We get to do something that very few churches or people ever get to do. We get to engage in a major step in God’s Work, in God’s movement.    
Fallbrook Church started as a vision 30 years ago & since our humble beginnings, our church has become one of the most impactful ministries in our city & State of Texas. The Fallbrook reputation of doing holistic, tangible ministry – precedes us everywhere we go. In every area where we plant, we seek to make the entire community around us better.  Fallbrook is unique in recent history because of its exponential growth without being a personality driven church. This means Fallbrook’s healthy non-personality centered approach has positioned us – to have a perpetual ministry that will touch lives for many generations to come.  

The Vision of the One Movement Initiative is to continue to make disciples by casting a larger net in the fastest growing area in the Houston, Metropolitan Area. This is our mission field, and it is ripe for a harvest. Missions in our community is just as important as missions overseas or in other parts of the world. The vision has not changed, lasting impact for Christ in all of the communities we serve.  


James & Sandra Cowthran

Discover the transformative stories of faith, courage, and resilience in our One Movement testimonials. Watch how James & Sandra's lives have been changed, their families strengthened, and communities uplifted. Click to witness the power of OneMovement in the Cowthrans' lives that’s bringing hope and inspiration to all. 

Vicki Jefferson

With a heart for service and a passion for community, Vicki Jefferson embodies the spirit of Fallbrook Church. As a devoted member of the Cypress-Katy campus, she faithfully serves in the Women’s and Hospitality Ministries, creating a warm and welcoming space for all. Her story is of faith, connection, and the joy of serving others.
Click to watch her inspiring testimony! 

Kevin & Christy Sylvester

Meet Kevin and Christy Sylvester, one of the founding families of our church, who took a bold leap of faith to be a part of a place of hope, connection, and transformation. Their story is one of unwavering commitment, deep faith, and the joy of witnessing lives changed. Click to watch how their journey has impacted countless others and inspired a community of believers 

Patrick & Chelsea James

Meet Patrick and Chelsea James, a devoted couple balancing faith, family, and ministry. As parents of four and passionate Student Ministry leaders at the Cypress-Katy campus, they are shaping the next generation with love, wisdom, and God’s truth. Their journey is one of commitment, faith, and impact. Click to watch their powerful testimony and be inspired by their story! 

Phoebria Ford

Faithful, passionate, and devoted—Phoebria Ford has been a pillar of Fallbrook Church for years. As a gifted Bible teacher and dedicated leader in Women’s Ministry and Pathway for Change, her journey is one of unwavering faith and service. Watch her powerful testimony and be inspired by how God has used her to impact countless lives. Click to hear her story! 

What's Your Story?

We want to hear your story! How has being part of Fallbrook blessed you and your family? Your testimony could inspire others and show the impact of God’s work in our community. Join us in celebrating what God is doing—share your story with us and help keep the Fallbrook story alive!

Discipleship Journey

From October 1st -  October 31, 2024 we challenged every one to join the Generosity Initiative

"Lord, you are more generous than I deserve. I am constantly amazed by your faithfulness. You bless in ways I don’t anticipate. I am grateful. Help me use all You have given me for your glory and to bless others. I can’t see the future, so I need your direction. Please show me the next step and empower me to trust You throughout the journey. Let me know what you have in mind Lord, and I’ll do it. In your name, I pray... Amen. "

Are You Ready to Take a STEP?  
Sacrifice. Would you prayerfully consider what God might be calling you to give up during the next two years to allow you to give more to His Kingdom through the work of Ebenezer West?  
Trust God. Will you join us by trusting God in a way we have never done before? We need every person at Fallbrook Church to unite in faith that God will work out all the details.  
Everyone. We can’t do this alone. We can’t do this with half of our body. We need everyone in our church to join together in unity as we stand up, take a step and live a life that is One Movement.  
Pray. This journey is so much more spiritual than financial. Please pray for His wisdom, courage, and direction every step of the way.  

100% Participation

Our goal is 100% participation in this initiative. We know that everyone is not going to be giving the same amount.  However, we do want to challenge each member to take the next step in their giving. God asks us to give abundantly and joyfully, however this spiritual practice is not developed overnight. You have to start somewhere and trust God as you take those next steps forward. 
“As we embark on this journey together, I invite you to join us in living out the call to extravagant generosity and bold faith. Let’s discover together how God is calling us to be part of this momentous movement.”


Recap our OneMovement-focused sermons below. Click the Image to listen to messages for your heart and soul.

One Prayer Movement

September 2024

Sacrifice in the One Movement

October 2024

Sacrifice in the One Movement

October 2024

Sacrifice in the One Movement

November 2024


Check out all these great resources.

Check out all the incredible resources created just for you through the OneMovement Generosity Initiative! These tools have been designed to inspire and support you on your journey of generosity. Simply click the links below to view and download everything available – from guides and devotionals to group materials and more. Dive in and see how these resources can help you grow in your faith and make a lasting impact!

One Movement How To Give (2024)


OneMovement Brochure (2024)


OneMovement Commitment Card


OneMovement Prayer Card (2024)


Share Your Story

Was your life impacted by this initiative? We’d love for you to share the basic details of your story so we can celebrate together what God is doing in your life!